It’s Time To Redefine Trauma: Coping With Traumatic Events
What are 3 types of trauma that most people experience?
They are all extremely stressful events that happen to people depending on their situation, where they are, or what they do. What does this mean for you?
It means finding creative ways to cope while dealing with the trauma.
Whether this is journaling, meditation, talking with your therapist, being mindful, you will find something that will work for you.
Trauma is an emotional or physical injury that occurs because of an event, either intentional or unintentional.
Something that has happened recently can cause trauma.
This can include events such as a car accident, or it could be from something that occurred in the past, such as abuse.
It can manifest in many ways, both physically and mentally.
Sometimes this is in the form of nightmares, anxiety, nervousness focused around certain situations, people, or places.
Each of the 3 types of trauma is different and yet like one another. Each one has its own qualifications on how to define the events and troubles you’re having.
Acute Trauma
This is the type of trauma that is most often associated with emergency rooms. It’s the result of a sudden, intense event that can cause physical and emotional injuries. Car accidents, natural disasters, and sexual assaults are all examples of acute trauma.
Complex trauma
This type of trauma is caused by chronic, repeated exposure to traumatic events. It can affect someone who has been exposed to violence regularly. This includes those such as soldiers in the army or those living with domestic abuse.
Cumulative trauma
This is the type of trauma that results from a series of small, daily traumatic events. It’s common in workplaces where people are constantly exposed to demanding conditions that can cause physical and emotional injuries. This includes those places, such as factories or construction sites.
If you’re experiencing any of these 3 types of trauma, it’s important to seek help from a professional who can provide the necessary support. Trauma can be very damaging if left untreated and can lead to long-term mental health issues. Don’t wait, get help today.
There are several ways to cope with traumatic events. What is most important, though, is that you take the time to be kind and gentle towards yourself in healing.
If you have experienced a traumatic event and are looking for resources, here are a few places you can look for support.
Should you be thinking suicidal thoughts, these are great resources to turn to. Most hotlines specialize in certain areas.
The two below will offer additional resources for suicide prevention. These sites are also great for other resources you can find locally or nationally, depending on your needs.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a national network of crisis centers that provides 24/hour support for people in distress. You can call them at any time of day or night, and they will connect you with someone who can help.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), also provides a national helpline for those who are seeking information or treatment for mental health and substance abuse issues. You can call them at any time, day, or night, and they will help connect you with the resources you need.
There are many ways to work through your trauma. You can try mindfulness, meditation, or journaling. What is most important, though, is that you take the time to be kind and gentle towards yourself in healing.
There are several resources that are available to you out there.
Finding out what works for you is key, as you know yourself best.
If you’re interested in trying mindfulness to work through your trauma, there are several great resources available. Sources such as your therapist, websites with a mindfulness priority. There are quite a few ways you can be mindful. What matters is that you find what works best for you and that you stick with it.
If meditation is more your style, there are plenty of wonderful resources to help you get started. Again, your therapist is a wonderful place to start, and many websites offer free guided meditations.
Journaling can also be a helpful way to work through trauma. It can be a safe place for you to express your thoughts and feelings, and it can also help you track your progress. You may find that certain things come up for you in various stages of your healing process. What matters is that you find what works best for you and that you stick with it.
It’s important to note that the three types of trauma are all different, but they share some similar symptoms.
You can cope with traumatic events by practicing mindfulness and meditation or writing about your experience in a journal.
If you’re still struggling after trying these practices for an extended period, it may be worth talking to someone trained in psychotherapy.
Psychotherapists specialize in treating survivors of trauma like PTSD and other mental conditions.
These professionals will help guide you through working through difficult feelings associated with your past event so that you can become more emotionally healthy.
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